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Dear RADSPA Members

I trust that you are all well. Since the last report your committee has received advice that we were unsuccessful with our second grant application to the State Government’s Bushfire Recovery fund. On this occasion we were not excluded in the early round of considerations. The Board has continued to focus on the expanded scheme including a sports hall which could be used as an emergency accommodation centre.  We remain concerned that the operational costs for a small standalone pool would be trading in deficit

A application has been made for a grant from the ‘Building Better Regions Fund’    We are advised that advice to applicants to this fund will given soon.

The Board has engaged a specialist to assist us to negotiate a settlement on our professional indemnity insurance claim. We are hopeful that this matter will be resolved in the near future

Members of Parliament have been contacted  seeking their ongoing support for the project Directors have also met with the Shire Administrator to discuss planning issues, as in the event of a successful grant application, we would need Council support for timely processing of the development application

Should any of our members become aware of grant opportunities we would be grateful to receive your advice.

Please join us for the AGM at the Robertson Bowling Club 10:30 am Saturday 26th November.

Our Annual General meeting will be held at the Bowling Club on Saturday the 26th of November at 10.30 am.

Membership fees of $5.00 can be paid into the RADSPA account or paid on the day. It would help us greatly (and save time at the door) if you could pay by direct debit into the IMB account:

BSB: 641-800

Account Number 200456868

Account name: Robertson & District Swim Pool Assoc

Please identify your payment by your name.


We welcome members and community observers to this meeting. Only paid members may vote.

With Kind Regards
Neville Fredericks
President. Robertson and District Swimming Pool Ass.
0409 717 919


RADSPA Secretary

Sandy Mauger

PO Box 3059

Robertson NSW 2577



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