While the district has many sporting clubs there is not a common fitness centre for all residents. With over 650 school aged children confident water activities are lacking. The Robertson Aquatic Centre will address this need it will serve the village and surrounding rural districts. The area includes potato farms, stud cattle breeders, market gardens, dairy farms as well as a variety of artisans.. The outcome for the elderly and disabled will ensure a facility for water therapy, proven for fitness and health. It is also highly recommended for social and cultural exchange. Nothing in the district currently exists for this exchange
Planned location of the Centre will ensure the Robertson Primary School children can walk safely to their "Learn to Swim" lessons, water safety & exercise and entertain visiting schools for healthy competitions. All district school children are connected to Robertson by the local school bus service.
By building the only gymnasium in the district, local groups and the elderly will have access currently unavailable. A greater community involvement will encourage residents to stay in the district and young families and retiring age new residents will be attracted. This Centre will help build a physically healthy community and encourage positive social relationships among all community groups. In addition it will be a wonderful example of saving carbon emissions and demonstrating water sustainability.

The Aquatic Centre will contain a 25 metre x 4 lane heated and covered swimming pool with facilities and access for elderly and disabled patrons. The building will comply with the Building Code of Australia (BCA), including disability access provisions and relevant state building laws and regulations. The location of the Centre will ensure the Robertson Primary School children can walk safely to their 'Learn to Swim' lessons, water safety and exercise and entertain visiting schools for healthy competitions.

The centre will contain an exercise room with equipment. This will enable local groups and the elderly will be able to build a physically healthy community and encourage positive social relationships among all community groups. The exercise room activities will include circuits, floor exercises, weight training, yoga and pilates.

The grounds will house BBQ and small group entertainment facilities which will be available to entertain all residents for external pool parties and other celebrations.