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The first public meeting of RADSPA (then known as The Robertson and District Swimming Pool Committee) was held on the 10th March 1982 at 7:30pm at the Robertson School of Arts.


There were approximately 100 people in attendance and a petition was signed for forwarding to Council.


Sergeant H Hiscox acted as Chairman and Introduced Councillor J. Tuddenham.


Councillor Tuddenham addressed the meeting and in thanking the large number of people present, emphasised the importance of a strong display of support for the project.  He then indicated steps to be taken in approaching Council.


After Councillor Tuddenham departed, there was general discussion and the meeting agreed to form a Committee of 12.  The following members of the Robertson community were nominated:


Office Bearers:

President:                    Joyce O'Neill

Vice Presidents:           Dianne Johnson

                                     Harry Hiscox

Treasurer:                    Brenda Conlan

Secretary:                    Jill Murray


Members:                    Jenny Bergerson

                                     Bruce Johnson

                                     Jim Mauger

                                     Joan Missingham

                                     Margaret Quartermaine

                                     Jack Rule

                                     Kay Simpkin

Publicity officer:          Judy Bailey



It was resolved that further meetings be held on the third Thursday of each month - commencing in April - to discuss the Committee's progress and take suggestions for proposal to Council.


It was resolved that the name of the Committee will be The Robertson and District Swimming Pool Committee.



The following points were made:


That a 'barometer' similar to that outside the School of Arts, be erected in a prominent position - to display fund raising progress and to advertise meeting times.


Grahame Fitzgerald volunteered to build such a sign.


The committee was asked to investigate the cost of various size pools:




The cost of a heated pool


The committee was also asked to discover what subsidies were available from:

Department of Sport and Recreation;

Wingecarribee Shire Council.


It was suggested that the committee write to Council advising them that a meeting was held in Robertson, at which a committee was formed for the purpose of establishing a swimming pool in the Robertson District.



At the meeting on the 16th March, it was resolved that a Robertson and District Swimming Pool Association be formed.

The Aims of the association -

The siting and construction of suitable swimming pool facilities in the Robertson District.

To conduct fund raising activities to provide a proportion of the costs of such swimming pool facilities.

(Jim Mauger and Jack Rule agreed to take a draft of the above aims to discuss with a Solicitor and seek advice)


It was suggested that a membership fee of $2 per annum be charged.  Tax deductibility of donations to be investigated.


It was suggested that the Association seek a patron. The following were suggested:

Dawn Fraser, Bobby Lim and Lady Harrison

It was agreed that letters be sent seeking their patronage.



After the following meeting on the 18th March 1992 the committee went into recess until April 1995 


Minutes for RDSPC

18th March 1992

Meeting opened at 7:50pm



G. Craig,  G. Fitzgerald,  J. Sommers,  J. Thomas,  T. Coleman, Len and Agnus Munchenberg, K. Simpkin and E. Casey



J. Tuddenham


Business Arising

Victoria Street pool, Bowral Fibreglass main pool, baby or wading pool added at a later date pool 18 month old.

Heating (elect.) Chlorinated open 6 days Depth 1.6m to 1.0m

Size 20m x 8m  2 x staff

Costs for the year excluding wages  $18,000


Treasurers Report  $68,176.58



Approach consulting firms for advice on pools.  Type of pool construction Building construction etc.

Meeting closed at 9:30pm






RADSPA Secretary

Sandy Mauger

PO Box 3059

Robertson NSW 2577



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