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Report to the Community 1/12/20


The new committee recognises the privilege and responsibility of being entrusted with bringing to reality the Robertson and Districts’ long held vision for the Community to have its own swimming pool.


On behalf of the Members and the community of the Robertson District we extend our sincere gratitude for the extensive work done to date by the outgoing and earlier committee members and the supporting public. A special thanks to the retiring chair and to Ian Hunt for his ongoing commitment and comprehensive report to the AGM.


For many years, many good people with good hearts have done a great deal of work to reach this point in the project.  Despite some disappointments, the new committee is taking up the work with the project well advanced.


Planning approval for the pool building is granted and the foundations are poured. The building is to house the pool and related service and amenity areas.


The setback relating to the collapse of the incomplete structure during construction led the outgoing committee to proceed to engage a forensic engineer and seek legal advice. A subsequent claim on the professional indemnity insurers for the design engineer has been made and this claim is advancing  towards a negotiated settlement.


Once the insurance claim is resolved the committee will be better placed to determine the financial resources needed to complete the project as designed and approved.


The committees’ priorities are to pursue all avenues for grant funding and develop the project to recommencement status.


The committee intends to call a public meeting in the new year to inform the community of the estimated cost to completion and finance required to fulfill the ambition for a pool. 


We look forward to working with and for the community.


RADSPA Secretary

Sandy Mauger

PO Box 3059

Robertson NSW 2577



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